How to hack java game with database
Now i'am telling u how to hack a java game with is easy to hack Android game Because their are lots of application in apk for mate.which helps us tobhack any game.but in j2me format u can hack permanently and i'am starting with database......1st of all you need to download rms editor installe the app .then open RMS editor .select drive .then locate the game which one you want to hack.and the middle key to start embedding. After that go to your drive or memory card.go to the folder where have you embedd there you will find another file with same name+OK/mod.install it and you will see that there were an extra menu comes with the u have to play that game a little bite.don't have more than 100coin/gems anything.if you have then decrease it.and now exit the game and open the extra the number u have on your game.for exmp:I have 70 dollar in the i'am searching this number after that.their is a line I have...