
Showing posts with the label Trick

Play hacked games in new way

LAST UPDATE 29/11/2020 let's meet a new way to play hacked games.tutorial is here >> πŸ‘‰πŸ‘‰visitπŸ‘πŸ‘ i am so sorry becaus, if i post here somedays later it will be dropped down.but now tutorial is attached with this post.visit toutorial,Learn it carefull. and then download these file 1...(requested ) fashion icon rms mod download at arms wage for your nation rns mod download 3..bubble bash 3 rms mod download 4.doengeon hunter Course of heaven rms mod download 5...(requeste) wonder zoo RMS mod download 6..gangster Rio city of saints RMS mode download hacked data features 1...99999 coin and 10000 diamond in fashion icon (final updatee) 2....1300000000+ coin 500000+ free oil,evert lands buyed and finish toutorial in world at arms(final udate) 3...999999999 cash/coin in bubble bash 3 4...99999 money in d.h.c.h 5...999999999 food, Diamond,cash in wonder zoo 6...g,r,c, having 1 billion cash download hacked data download note: no games is...

Play hacked games in new way trough java phone

its time to play hacked game's. in new this post I'm going to show you how to use hacked rms file.. any games from my link 2.also download file from given Link 3.install downloaded games. 4.extract 0. zip file using any explorer.( Note: note that hacked rms file contain .rms extension. ) 5.careful, you must need to extract these file into root directory E: C: TFCard: anything means not in any folder only on your main storage. if YOU wish you can extrcat these in any folder.but you have to set location or nevigate that folder.when you’re going IMPORT game data .just like that i have extracted in "DCIM". /TFCard/DCIM/( another note: in here write this(folder name) after game file name means "/(TFCard or E: or c:) /...(folder name where you extracted data)/gamename.rms(will aotumatically appear)") rms moded games.and use Restore option to import hacked data in your game. if you successfully do this ONE by one ...

How to hack java game with database

Now i'am telling u how to hack a java game with is easy to hack Android game Because their are lots of application in apk for mate.which helps us tobhack any game.but in j2me format u can hack permanently and i'am starting with database......1st of all you need to download rms editor installe the app .then open RMS editor .select drive .then locate the game which one you want to hack.and the middle key to start embedding. After that go to your drive or memory card.go to the folder where have you embedd there you will find another file with same name+OK/mod.install it and you will see that there were an extra menu comes with the u have to play that game a little bite.don't have more than 100coin/gems anything.if you have then decrease it.and now exit the game and open the extra the number u have on your game.for exmp:I have 70 dollar in the i'am searching this number after that.their is a line I have...